CDWT Azure

Azure Stack Hardware-as-a-Service

Utilize the Consistency, Scalability, and Intelligence of the Azure Cloud in Your Preferred IT Environment

Microsoft Azure Stack is a unique Hardware-as-a-Service (Azure hybrid cloud solution) intended to exploit the power of intelligent Azure capabilities inside the client’s preferred IT ecosystem: Edge, Datacenters, and Remote Environments. Develop a genuinely synchronous, hyper-scalable, and agile hybrid cloud architecture connecting your current private IT resources, other adopted clouds, and Azure with Azure Stack. Construct, deploy, and operate hybrid cloud applications across all of your settings, including offices, branch offices, datacenters, IoT, and edge systems. Integrate cutting-edge Machine Learning, AI, and Data Analytical capabilities enabled by cloud-native Azure technologies. Avail yourself of a global administrative perspective and world-class intelligent security for all workloads, together with round-the-clock support. Utilize industry-specific Azure stack capabilities and solutions for optimum ROI.


of Fortune 100 companies use Microsoft Azure Cloud

Only 74%

of businesses characterise their cloud approach as hybrid-first, and only 42% optimise cloud expenditure on a regular basis.

Overview: Azure Stack Hybrid Cloud Solutions

Azure Stack Hub

  • Azure-managed, completely autonomous hybrid cloud architecture/hardware-as-a-service devoted to running on-premises workloads, office branch apps, and distant locations.
  • IT situations involving connectivity and isolation, including application development
  • Preservation of data integrity and ownership
  • Modernization of apps, platforms, software, and the infrastructure that supports them

Azure Stack HCI

  • Hyperconverged Infrastructure (HCI) administered by Azure to modernise datacenter operations
  • Modernization of assets and storage through hyperscalable virtualisation
  • Modernizing on-premise architecture, networking efficiently with remote branch or office locations
  • Continuous accessibility to high-performance workloads

Azure Stack Edge

  • Azure's managed cloud infrastructure/hardware-as-a-service is specifically designed for Edge and IoT scenarios.
  • Applications of Machine Learning in the edge environment
  • Integration of cutting-edge edge computing and IoT
  • Network and data transmission from the edge environment to the cloud without interruption.

CDWT Expertise of Azure Stack

Azure Stack Hub Azure Stack Edge Azure Stack HCI
Azure Managed Hybrid Infrastructure for On-prem and Remote IT Environments

Run a dedicated Azure environment for your on-premise IT assets including hardware, computing, servers, networks, middleware systems, virtualization assets, applications, data. Avail it as a private, autonomous cloud option too and deploy, run consistent Azure services anywhere from any office, branch location with unprecedented ease and agility. Get kickstarted on an autonomous Azure hybrid cloud environment within no time with CDWT . Leverage CDWT’s fail-proof deployment expertise compounded with end-to-end AIOps-managed operations and 24/7 Support.

Advantages of Deploying Microsoft Azure Stack Hub:
  1. Autonomous Capabilities: Run deployed Azure Stack Hub and Azure Stack use cases as a specialized, autonomous private cloud environment for on-prem ecosystems
  2. Asset Consistency: Seamless usage and synchronicity of tools, applications, cloud apps, workloads, models between Azure Cloud-Azure Stack and on-prem environments
  3. Integrated Azure ecosystem: Seamlessly integrate third-party and other onboarded enterprise ecosystems with the Azure Stack Hub architecture
  4. Low Latency: Experience hyper-agile workloads, data, and asset running and sync between the on-prem and cloud environment. Processing of all backend data locally at the deployed Azure Stack Hub significantly minimizes operational latencies.
  5. Compliant-ready assets: Easily develop and deploy enterprise-relevant applications on the Azure environment while fully adhering to local-national-international compliance standards
  6. DevOps: Deploy a consistent, Azure-powered modern applications development environment on-premise
With Azure Hybrid Cloud Intelligence, transform Edge and IT Workflows.

With a dedicated hybrid cloud architecture, you can modernise your edge networks, linked devices, and processes on the Azure cloud. Utilize Azure-managed software and hardware to easily administer edge environments. Utilize cutting-edge, real-time insights derived from sophisticated data analytics and integrate intelligent capabilities at the edge with Cloud IoT and AI Solutions. Leverage Cloud4C’s fully-managed experience to install Azure Stack Edge without a hitch, integrate custom features, guarantee zero-loss work and dataflows, and benefit from a comprehensive administrative overview. Enhance perimeter security using Cloud4C’s Managed Detection and Response Services in conjunction with cloud-native security products.

Advantages of Azure Stack Edge deployment:
  1. Seamless management: Easily deploy infrastructure and apps for Azure Stack Edge. Enhance edge management with standard Azure management tools
  2. Containers Deployment: Streamline containerization for Azure edge and IoT environments running apps. Enable multi-node and virtual machines support
  3. Run containerized applications, edge applications, corporate applications, and VMs at the edge using Azure Stack Edge infrastructure installed locally. Enable agile, failsafe processes with ultra-low latency.
  4. AI/ML capabilities: Construct, train, and deploy machine learning and AI models at the Edge in order to optimise edge performance and analyse edge-generated data. Use Azure Cognitive services to improve intelligent workflow management
  5. Transfer information between the edge cloud and Azure cloud environments without interruption or data loss. Integrate cutting-edge analytic and security models to get the most value from edge data.
Intelligent Azure Hybrid Environment affords unmatched datacenter operations efficiency.

Modernize and virtualize business datacenters and all associated assets, such as databases, database management systems, hosting systems, data management apps, and dataflow architectures, with a specialised Azure Hybrid cloud infrastructure. Get the newest upgrades for security, performance, and features. Deploy and use Windows and Linux virtual machines (VMs) for all tools, processes, and frameworks in the on-premises, remote, and edge datacenters without difficulty. Utilize Azure Monitor, Azure Cognitive Services, Azure Backup, Azure Security Center, and Azure Sentinel to enhance datacenter capabilities. Leverage CDWT’s worldwide experience in Azure hybrid cloud administration, DC modernisation, and data transformation services to get the most value from the Azure Stack HCI at the lowest possible cost.

Advantages of Azure Stack HCI Deployment:
  1. High scalability and performance: By modernising datacenter operations on the Azure Cloud, you can double the efficiency of your datacenter and the performance of your workloads. Utilize sophisticated apps, tools, processes, and frameworks to seamlessly upgrade datacenter capabilities and assure always-agile, hyperscalable performance.
  2. Simple synchronisation: Extend datacenter capabilities and establish seamless connection across diverse IT environments, including remote offices, on-premises, the edge, and the Internet of Things, etc. Synchronize seamlessly with third-party apps, solutions, and systems to get a more centralised level of control.
  3. Flexible Deployment: Embrace and Azure Stack HCI design with bespoke capabilities and features, in accordance with business goals
  4. Ensure constant hyper performance for all workloads and processes across the edge, branch offices, cloud, and any other third-party IT environments. Deploy containerized apps and optimised servers for the most return.
  5. Datacenter Security: Leverage Azure-native security solutions and CDWT’s world-class managed cloud security products to provide comprehensive end-to-end protection of datacenter assets, even against the most sophisticated attackers.

CDWT Offers Complete Azure Hybrid Cloud and Azure Stack Managed Services

AIOps-driven managed operations enable you to maximise the advantages of a hybrid Azure environment at little expense. Gain uninterrupted synchronisation on Azure Cloud across your current IT processes, data, applications, cloud-native applications, middleware, software platforms, and chosen cloud platforms or other heterogeneous IT environments. Utilize Azure Stack to modernise and virtualize your datacenter assets, bring Azure functionality on-premises, and govern Edge environments with analytical insight. Cloud-based automation and modernization of core company functions and procedures.

Bring the sophisticated features of Azure cloud to your on-premise IT settings, including your datacenters, office IT infrastructure, and edge networks. Develop a compliant-ready architecture by conforming to data sovereignty-residency regulations, update IT assets, achieve hyper-scalability and maximum workload availability, and obtain data intelligence at your IoT and edge networks. With Azure Stack solutions such as Azure Stack Hub Solution, Azure Stack Edge Solution, and Azure Stack HCI Solution, you can acquire the necessary hardware and infrastructure to integrate your on-premises environments, regardless of their size or complexity, with Microsoft Azure Cloud Methods for seamless management and maximum productivity.

Integrate Azure Stack with the capabilities of Azure Arc. Leverage CDWT’s Microsoft Azure Arc managed services to streamline your platforms, software, applications, VMs’ transition to an Azure managed environment. Re-architect asset segments to maximise Azure cloud advantages and connect your IT infrastructure, including adopted cloud platforms, third-party solutions, Kubernetes clusters, Linux-Windows Servers, and Database management programmes, with Azure Resource Manager or Azure Active Directory. Regardless of the backend platform, support hyperscale workloads and include machine learning capabilities across all deployed architectures. Gain unmatched insight and control over your whole hybrid cloud setup through an easy dashboard.

Integrate Azure Stack and Azure Stack Edge with hybrid solution features from Azure Percept. As one of the first deployers of Azure Percept Development Kit, CDWT holds a unique position to extend and streamline AI capabilities to enterprise edge and IoT environments. Build, train, test, and deploy AI and Machine Learning solutions such as Computer Vision and Speech models on your edge networks with Azure Percept. Utilize and integrate hardware and infrastructure devoted to the deployment of powerful AI applications to achieve unparalleled performance and intelligent data analysis capabilities. Enhance edge security and incorporate edge computing as a core DevOps concept for your firm.

Easily modernise your datacenter and IT assets, such as applications, networks, workloads, servers and SQL server assets, computing assets, and end-point tools, cloud native applications, virtual machine assets, other public cloud or multiple cloud platforms, utilising the Azure hybrid cloud architecture. Lift-and-shift, re-host, re-build, re-architect, or replace application assets in order to maximise cloud advantages. Utilize virtualized infrastructure and hybrid cloud applications to increase scalability, agility, and continuity regardless of geographical or temporal differences. Dashboards provide the management of all datacenter and IT activities, including on-premise and other adopted cloud platforms. Obtain comprehensive support services for the uninterrupted modernization of your backend infrastructure.

Compliance standards have often acted as a significant barrier to the digital transformation and cloud expansion of important industrial enterprises such as BFSI, Governance, Manufacturing, and others. In essence, this has been one of the primary motivators for businesses to choose Azure hybrid cloud infrastructures. CDWT supports corporations with compliant-ready end-to-end Azure Hybrid Cloud Technology and Azure Hybrid apps to help reduce such challenges and provide businesses throughout the world with world-class regulatory dependability, automated evaluation, and security. Our comprehensive compliance package consists of PCI-DSS, NESA, SAMA, GDPR, FedRamp, MSA, IRAP, GxP, CSA, OJK, MEITI, and RBI. The worldwide standards include ISO 27001, ISO 27017, ISO 27018, ISO 20000, ISO 22301, SOC1, and SOC2 certifications. Azure Arc provides cloud-native compliance management capabilities.

With Azure cloud at the head of your hybrid IT infrastructure, all security issues will be resolved. Avail end-to-end security for your third-party systems, multiple cloud environments, databases, datacenters, networks, applications, workflows, servers and SQL Server instances, computing infra, IoT and edge devices, and more. Intelligent threat prediction-detection-mitigation capabilities enabled by Microsoft, OSINT, STIX&TAXI, MISP, and other market-leading platforms. Avail support from CDWT’s world-class Cyber Security Incident and Response team. Utilize cloud-native tools of the highest calibre, such as Azure Sentinel, Azure Monitor, etc. Easily incorporate security solutions and Azure innovation models into your hybrid cloud infrastructure.

On your hybrid cloud architecture, guarantee continued business continuity and fail-safe operations. With various IT environments, heterogeneous systems, and independent cloud platforms, Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning suffers a significant setback. Now that all environments are handled securely through the Azure Cloud, keep these problems at bay. Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) offerings from CDWT include secure colocation services, database backups and recovery, planned runbook creation with DR drills, RTO/RPO and fail-over assistance, uninterrupted network-server infrastructure and architecture support, automated risk management tools, global compliance, and 24/7 consultancy support.

Microsoft Azure Stack and Microsoft Azure Arc provide specialised hardware and software infrastructure features to simplify your hybrid cloud environment. Acquire the required backend horsepower to modernise, virtualize, and link seamlessly across your datacenters, on-premises locations, adopted cloud platforms, edge environments, public cloud and PaaS services, and more. Deploy apps on Kubernetes clusters and centrally manage the full DevOps environment, including access control and roles management. Adopt common tools, techniques, and frameworks on the hybrid cloud application paradigm in order to establish an uniform DevOps strategy across the whole IT ecosystem. Access, use, and operate Azure services anywhere.

Adopt innovative automation solutions, complementing services, and intelligent RPA technologies to improve your Azure hybrid cloud journey and impact. Modernize your top line and bottom line activities and automate routine administrative tasks across your diversified IT environments including datacenters, on-prem platforms, and edge environments on Azure. Utilize cloud-based solutions and advantages such as Remote Monitoring and Management, Professional Service Automation, Virtual Patching, Automated Backup and Recovery, Threat Intelligence, Malware Protection, Automated Network Security, Self Healing Operations Platform (SHOP), and more. Improve cloud operations by reducing human mistakes and unnecessary expenditures.

Why Azure Hybrid Cloud Managed Services with CDWT?

Twelve or more years as one of the most trusted Managed AWS cloud services and Application Modernization providers in APAC, MEA, and the Americas.

As a committed AWS Partner, the world's leading Application-focused, high-end managed services provider with AIOps-driven AWS Managed Operations.

24/7 Support supported by more than 2,000 cloud-certified professionals (including Kubernetes and DevOps specialists) who are proficient with ITIL, ITSM, and CoBIT delivery processes, and 26 Centers of Excellence.

Zero Friction AWS Application Modernization Model with industry-leading Application Migration Factory methodology, 25000+ migrated Apps, and Databases.

4000+ business clients, including 60 of the Fortune 500 and 5 of the top 20 global banks

The successful implementation of Public, Private, Hybrid, Multi, and Community AWS Cloud systems in 26 countries globally.

99.95% application availability, hyper-scalability, industry-leading uptime, and 50,000+ transactions per hour without failure.

Proven knowledge administering over 10,000 SAP instances and over 2,300 TB of HANA Database on AWS Cloud.

Proven knowledge with IBM, Oracle, OpenText, and Infosys, as well as cloud-native enterprise application management, including SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS transition on AWS Cloud.

Host and deploy apps in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) region of your choosing to ensure high availability and minimal downtime.

Proven knowledge in end-to-end Application Modernization with a focus on development, engineering, maintenance, administration, and security monitoring.

Dedicated DR options on AWS for diverse, complex application environments, including automated recovery-backup, failback-failover techniques.

Expertise in Dedicated Application Managed Security Services on AWS, 40+ Security Controls, and Dedicated SOCs.

CDWT's automation solutions, including Self-healing Operations, Automation Delivery platforms, and RPA solutions, include Self-healing Operations.

Expertise with hundreds of AWS cloud-native apps and technologies, best handled in accordance with customised business processes

Cost-effective Pay-per-use model under single SLA

1 Billion+ Hours of Managed Fail-safe Application Hosting managing 40,000+ VMs

Strict compliance with regulatory and country-specific data residency requirements

Azure Stack – FAQ’s

Azure is a Microsoft-developed and -delivered public cloud platform. Azure Stack, on the other hand, is a hybrid cloud solution that enables businesses to acquire Azure infrastructure on a subscription basis and deploy an Azure environment on-premises, at distant locations, in datacenters, and in IoT/Edge settings. CDWT is a great partner for providing Azure hybrid cloud management services.
Azure Stack is Azure's hybrid cloud offering. Firms may acquire Azure infrastructure and hardware on a service-as-a-model basis and build up a specialised Azure environment at their on-premises, remote, datacenter, and edge locations.
Azure Stack is Azure's solution for hybrid cloud infrastructure. However, once a business subscribes to Azure hardware, it is able to establish a completely independent, private Azure Cloud environment on-premises.
Azure Stack is a fully-fledged hybrid cloud solution from Microsoft that allows businesses to subscribe to Azure hardware. The Azure hardware may be put on-premises, remotely, in datacenters, and at the network's edge, offering a completely independent, dedicated Azure environment for businesses. Azure HCI, or Azure Hyperconverged Infrastructure, is the Azure Stack Solution intended for datacenter deployments.